Facebook Pixel image Combo Mago do Candelabro +Rosheen Logorréia +Ashaya, Alma da Natureza + Magic: the Gathering MTG

MTG > Combos > Mago do Candelabro +Rosheen Logorréia +Ashaya, Alma da Natureza +

start with all cards on the battlefield, they need to not have summoning sickness (aside from ashaya) 1) tap

Rosheen Meanderer

for {4}, and a land or two for their mana. 2) activate

Magus of the Candelabra

's ability targeting itself,

Rosheen Meanderer

, and the lands you tapped. use the mana from

Rosheen Meanderer

to to pay for the ability. 3) the ability resolves, repaet from step 1. each time you repeat this process you will gain two mana of the colors you tapped your lands for.Edit combo

Added by blobishly

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