Surely, you fell in love with at least one of the characters from Stranger Things. Find out if you match your favorite character! These 12 questions will define which of the characters suits you the most.
Don't forget to comment your favorite character and share your result!

Which do you consider as your defining trait?
Being patient
Being myself, no matter what
Being honest
Being strong
Which one of these Stranger Things song is your favorite?

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Pass the Dutchie

Never Ending Story

Running Up that Hill (Deal with God)

Your friend is stuck in the Upside Down, what do you do?
There's nothing to do, they're trapped there, and I don't want to die. So, I do nothing.
I try to communicate with them constantly, to see if they're okay.
I call other people to help me know what to do.
I enter the Upside Down to rescue them, no matter what.
You are going to the Upside Down, and you can only take one of these things . What do you take?

I said I don't want to die, so I am definitely not going to the Upside Down!

I take someone with superpowers to help me out.

I take a radio with me to try to communicate with whoever is on the other side or who went with me.

I take a weapon, whether a baseball bat or a gun.
Choose an 80's Movie!


Back to the Future


Friday the 13th

What kind of person you are on your friends' group?
I'm the shyest. As much as I love my friends, I don't interact too much with them.
I'm the comic relief, whenever I can, I make people laugh.
I am the heart, I talk to everyone and I keep the group together.
I am the brute force, certainly the strongest of all.
Which one of these Stranger Things season is your favorite?

Season One

Season Three

Season Two

Season Four
Who are you closest to?

Your pet

Your family

Your friends

Your lover
Which one is your favorite couple in the series?

Joyce & Hopper

Nancy & Jonathan

Max & Lucas

Mike & Eleven

If you were an experiment on Hawkings, which of these superpower would you prefer?
Super Strength
Mind Control

Someone you trust the most betrayed you, what do you do?
Nothing, we should always forgive people, surely they had a reason for that.
I would simply cut the relationship with the person, they are no longer worth my time.
I'm going to analyze the situation very well and weigh how much the person had reason for it or not.
I would definitely take revenge, if the person made me suffer, they also deserve to suffer.
Which one of these characters you would bring back to life?




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